June 29, 2024
Review of the 2024 UAW Regin 8 Summer School

The 2024 edition of the UAW Region 8 Summer School was held June 23-28, 2024 at the Tradeswind Resort at St. Petersburg, Florida.

The daily agenda included:

Sunday June 23, 2024
Welcome by UAW Region 8 Director Tim Smith
Click here for complete daily review

Monday June 24, 2024
Address by International UAW President Shawn Fain
(click here for video of President Fain address)
Afternoon Classes
Click Here for complete daily review

Tuesday June 25, 2024
Address By UAW Region 8 Director Tim Smith
(click here for video of Director Smith address)
Afternoon Classes
Click here for complete daily review

Wednesday June 26, 2024
Wednesday was classroom time
Click here for complete daily review

Thursday June 27, 2024
Report out from the Teenage Class with Instructor Tom Savage.
Department Reports Education David Firkins, CAP Kevin Huddleston and Mark Dowell, Appeals Kevin Pack and Sourcing Jeff Balfour.
Afternoon included wrap up in the week’s classes.
Click here for a complete daily review






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