June 23, 2024
2024 UAW Region 8 Summer School Begins

The 2024 UAW Region 8 Summer School kicked off at 5:00 PM on Sunday, June 23, 2024 at the Trade Winds Resort in St. Petersburg, Florida. The host of this week UAW Region 8 Director Tim Smith and Assistant Director George Palmer welcomed the more than 300 delegates from across the 17 states of Region 8.

“We would like to welcome all of our summer school delegates,” Assistant Director George Palmer stated. “Our first timers, retirees and veterans are all special groups. I would like to remind everyone that we will have morning sessions and afternoon workshops and we look forward to seeing everyone at all sessions.” Assistant Director Palmer also recognized all Region 8 members that participated in last year’s stand up strikes.

UAW Region 8 Director Tim Smith spoke next and welcomed everyone as well. “I am recognized as Director Smith, but I am just Tim and am a proud auto wrorker,” Director Smith stated. “We are thankful for all of you joining us this week. The week officially kicks off in the morning with an address from International President Shawn Fain. We will then have reports from the various Regional functions, with workshops after lunch. Some of our workshops this week include grievance handling, bargaining, financial officers, retirees, UAW 101, young workers, CAP and a teenage class. I would like to thank our clerical staff that is here this week to assist and all the Region 8 Staff.”

International President Shawn Fain arrived from his flight and addressed the group. President Fain stated he looked forward to sharing with the delegates tomorrow morning.

This week has a full schedule of educational sessions for the delegates, including reports from the CAP Department, President’s Department and Sourcing Report.

Summer School gives a broad opportunity for a large portion of the Region to take away valuable information to help sustain and grow our organization. We look forward to an educational week and arms our members with information to take back to their locals.







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