Educational Opportunities in Region 8

Education and knowledge are key to our union’s strength, growth, and victories. The International Union and Region 8 provide a variety of educational opportunities designed to motivate members and develop leadership skills. 

National Conferences offered by The International Union

  • The Black Lake Scholarship Program
  • The Chaplaincy Conference
  • The Civil Rights Conference
  • The Health and Safety Conference
  • The Leadership Institutes
  • The National CAP Conference held in Washington DC
  • The Skilled Trade Conference
  • The Veteran's Conference
  • The Women's Conference

Region 8 Annual Educational Activities

  • Organizing Training
  • Financial Officer's Training

Region 8 Annual Conferences

  • The Women's Conference
  • The Veteran's Council(s) Meeting
  • The Leadership Conference
  • The Civil Rights Conference
  • The Retired Worker's Conference
  • The Skilled Trades Conference

For the member who wishes to become more active in their local union, the Region conducts an annual Summer School Program. This is a week long session held at various locations throughout the Region. It exposes classroom participants to a variety of fundamental subjects vital to the success of labor. Subjects have included the following;

  • Grievance Handling
  • The ADA and FMLA
  • Building Solidarity through Diversity
  • Collective Bargaining
  • Why It Pays to Belong
  • Standing Committees
  • Handling Civil Rights Complaints
  • Worker-to-Worker
  • Building Influence through CAP
  • New Officer Training
  • Effective Lobbying Techniques
  • Preparing for the Future – Retirement
  • Robert's Rules of Procedures –
  • Parliamentary Procedure

Educational enrichment is also available through printed materials, or videos published and produced for sale through the Purchasing Department in Detroit. 

Director Tim Smith and Assistant Director George Palmer realize that educating our members is key to our success, and are committed to making opportunities available to all local unions. Region 8 Education CoordinatorDavid Firkins is able to tailor training classes to suit your Local needs. Classes can be held at Regional Offices, your local union halls, or other appropriate venues. The first step is to contact your International Servicing Representative to request a training session.

Online Training For Region 8 Members

For online training for Region 8 Members, scan the following QR Code:




Courses Offered By The UAW


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