Day One Report From the 37th International Union Constitutional Convention
By UAW Region 8 Webmaster John Davis
The 37th International Union Constitutional Convention convened at 12:00 Pm on Monday, June 11, 2018. The convention was called to order by Region 1A Director Rory Gamble. The International UAW Color Guard presented the colors for the convention. Afterwards the UAW Region 1A Choir sang the United States National Anthem, UAW Member Angela Kelly, sang the Canadian National Anthem and a Delegation from Region 9A performed the Puerto Rico National Anthem. The Lead Chaplain for the UAW led the convention in prayer.
Following the opening, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan welcomed the UAW back home to Detroit, and recognized retiring Financial Secretary Treasurer Gary Casteel, Vice President Jimmy Settles and Region 1A Rory Gamble for the contributions to the UAW and organized labor.
International UAW Financial Secretary Treasurer Gary Casteel introduced the International Executive Board and retired member of the IEB who were in attendance. Lastly the Resolution Committee, the Rules Committee and the Credentials Committee were seated and reported out.
Heather McGhee, who is the President of Demos, a public policy organization that focuses insuring that all have a voice in democracy and in our economy, addressed the convention. “You in the UAW understand what solidarity means. Unfortunately, in America too many don’t understand what solidarity means. The wealthy and powerful are successfully dividing the rest of us so they can make the rules. They profit from the division they create. They profit from the kickbacks from a tax scam that rewards those with much, while they defund our schools, they hurt our communities and shift cost to those around you. Your friends and your family shoulder the tax burden while billionaires brag about not paying taxes.
Brothers and sisters we are fed up with their bragging. We are fed up with corporations who take tax cuts and invest in dividends instead of workers. We are fed up with families struggling in jobs that don’t pay a living wage. We are fed up new jobs that don’t compensate workers in a manner that allow them to raise a family.” (click here for more on President McGhee's address)
At the conclusion of her speech, President McGhee was presented with the Owen Bieber Social Activist Award. 
Next debate began on resolutions to the convention. The first resolution was to increase our efforts in the area of organizing. After much debate the resolution was adopted.
Next the delegates debated a resolution to a stronger commitment to education for UAW members. After much debate the resolution passed.
Detroit NAACP President Rev. Dr. Wendall Anthony addressed the conference, with his usual straight forward message laced with hope. (click here for Rwv. Anthony's address)
The next resolution concerned the UAW’s presence with political action. It was during the 1970 UAW Constitutional Convention, UAW President Walter Reuther stated the famous statement “There’s a direct relationship between the ballot box and the bread box, and what the union fights for and wins at the bargaining table can be taken away in the legislative halls.” Today the statement is truer than ever. Following much debate the resolution was passed.
Afterward the convention was recessed for the day. Convention continues at 9:00 AM Tuesday. |