Delaware CAP Council Hosts Welcome Home Celebration for Our Veterans
By Dave Knox
Veterans Committee, DE State CAP

Delaware State CAP is working for our local community! With the help and support of President Bill Wasik, UAW Local Unions 435, 1183 and their Veteran Committees we were able to have a welcome home party for our returning reservists recently back from Iraq.

Thanks to Presidents Dave Meyers, LU 435 and Jim Fisher, LU 1183, Al Lawler and I, we were able to pay for this function at minimal costs with both Saturn and Chrysler donating $1,500 each. We explained that these people are our first line of defense and we need to them to know that both the union and company appreciate what they do for us. With the $3,000 raised and all set up labor supplied by the UAW, we had one heck of a party!

Most of our Veteran’s Committee members are in their 50’s and 60’s and how well we know what happened when we returned home in the 70’s. We were greeted by our own countrymen with protest signs and insults.

These brave patriots have to know that we appreciate the freedom they give us and they need to know we are behind them. They just need to know job well done and thank you. This means so much to them. Believe me, I’ve been there.

As the reservists entered the fire hall where we had the celebration, I personally shook every service man and woman’s hand and on behalf of the UAW I thanked them for their service they gave us and all our country. During the affair I tried to get around to every table and thank the families of those who serve, for the sacrifice they give being without their loved ones for months.

In closing, I would like to say all were thankful to the UAW. Their commanding officer told me there were two things he worried about the whole time they were over there. One, having to tell the families of these brave marines that one of them is not coming back, a K.I.A. Two, would someone do something to tell these troops thank you, that we stand behind them. The UAW did – thanks to all of us!

I also asked if anyone is looking to buy a new car to keep the UAW in mind.






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