The Senators (that voted NO to saving UAW job) didn’t have a problem giving the financial community 700 Billion dollars. They didn’t ask or require the financial community to cut their pay in half; as a matter of fact they gave AIG 2 vacations with your tax money. What some of your representatives just told you ( some of you put in office). IS!!! We take care of the rich and you don’t make enough money to ask for any kind of help from us “your representatives”. Although if it is your tax dollars that we are spending.

Working people why, why, why, is the question you need to ask yourself, why is it that your job is not worth saving to those Senators that voted NO to help workers? Workers that are losing their homes, jobs are people that have to work for a living (middle class and low income). When are we going to wakeup and stop letting politicians make us feel like we need a smoke?

If you are driving a foreign car or voted to put one of the senators in office that just voted to kill your job and benefits, pat your self on the back you just gave you and your family future to someone that don’t care where or how you live. Why wait? Just mail this week’s paycheck? You can begin to adjust now and get use to not having that union job that pays you a living wage and try to assure you have health care. You gave them the power to take away your pay check when you decided to not to get involved or vote for a party and not your issues (your job, home, college, for your kids, and your pensions). You can always blame your union that asked you to put people in office that will take care of you and your needs instead of the rich.

We should all be fighting to help save the UAW jobs, because of the vote not to help workers was a vote to try and bust the unions. It seems that I need to remind some of you that The job loss will not just be UAW. For all of the people that felt like this wasn’t your problem and could not take the time to call congress or the senate to say you can’t take my job or take away the UAW jobs. This is your wake up call you are next. I don’t know which NEXT but you are NEXT! Bottom line if they can BUST the union, and put all of you back in your place “at the bottom” all will be well.

Sincerely yours,
Out of work for 3 years, there is nothing like it.

Pamela Foxx


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