September 21, 2013
Region 8 Members Hear Vice President Biden
By Marc McQuillen
In attendance at Vice President Joe Biden's visit to the Port of Charleston, South Carolina on Monday September 16, 2013 were both active and retired members from Region 8.
Representing the UAW were Marc McQuillen, Rudy Krakeel and Tom Fisher from Local 2404 in Charlotte, NC along with Ken Senter, Chuck Rhome, Al and Helen Johnson and James Ray from the Eastern Carolinas Retired Workers Council in Myrtle Beach, SC.
Vice President Biden delivered a compelling speech for the need to deepen the Charleston Harbor to accommodate the larger vessels that will be coming through the expanded Panama Canal in 2015 and to continue to grow exports that grow good jobs.
Our members were able to get seats in the front two rows and all had the opportunity to shake hands and speak with the Vice President. Tom Fisher was able to exchange a UAW Veterans Challenge coin for one of the Vice President’s signature coins.
Greetings were extended to VP Biden on behalf of Region 8 Director Gary Casteel.
