October 21, 2011

UAW Members Attend NAACP Labor & Industry Breakfast

On Friday, October 14th UAW members throughout North Carolina traveled to High Point, NC to hear our own UAW Vice President General Holiefield address the attendees at the 68th Annual North Carolina State NAACP Convention. Region 8 is proud to have participated and expressly happy to have VP Holiefield share his message.

LR: Jerry Hodge, LU 3520, VP Holiefield, Corey Hill, LU 3520, Bob Riggins, LU 5285, James Andrews, President NC AFL-CIO and Jason Callahan, LU 5287

VP Holiefield speaks at the NC NAACP Convention.

VP Holiefield, Ricky McDowell President of UAW Local 5285 and James Andrews President of the NC AFL-CIO


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