August 13, 2024

Day One of the 2024 UAW Region 8 Standing Committee Conference

The 2024 UAW Region 8 2024 Standing Committee Conference kicked off at 9:00 AM on Tuesday August 13, 2024 at the Tradewinds Resort at St. Petersburg, Florida. The Standing Committee Conference is designed to provide instruction and information for those who serve their local union on a standing committee. “Standing Committees are often a member’s first exposure to being involved with the workings of the local union,” states UAW Region 8 Director Tim Smith. “Standing Committees are the backbone of a local union and they are often the face of our locals in their communities.”

This week delegates will attend workshops on the following subjects:

  • Chaplaincy
  • Civil and Human Rights
  • Conservation and Recreation
  • Community Service
  • Education
  • LUCA (Local Union Communication Association)
  • Skilled Trades
  • Veterans
  • Women’s

Wednesday and Thursday will be spent in classrooms settings. Tuesday is spent in committee reports from the various departments represented by the committees included in the conference.

Tuesday morning began with prayer from the Elder Herb Taylor of the Chaplaincy Committee, followed by the national anthem and the pledge of allegiance. Assistant Director George Palmer welcomed the delegates and introduce national staff from Detroit who were on hand to assist. Then AD Plamer introduced UAW Region 8 Director Tim Smith.

“We are very proud to have our standing committee delegates here this week,” states Director Tim Smith. “I am proud to say our attendance this year has almost doubled. For 2024 we have added LUCA and communication to this conference for the first time. I recognize that Standing Committees are the backbone of involvement in our local unions. The work you do is important and I appreciate everyone of you.” Director Smith went on to introduce the visiting staff from Detroit and the Region 8 Staff. He also discussed the progress at Local 42 at Volkswagen in Chattanooga and organizing efforts at the Ultium Cells in Spring Hill, Tennessee.

Director Smith also recognized representatives from the Keep Pinellas Beautiful non-profit at St. Pete. This group works to remove trash from the local beaches and remove abrasive non-native species of plant life. The Region has partnered with this group to help preserve the local natural beauty and made a donation to their efforts. To learn more about Keep Pinellas Beautiful, visit their website at

Director Smith also recognized the UAW Region 8 LUDL (Local Union Discussion Leader) group. These include:

Jon Greene Local 3520

Rachel Johnson Local 472

Krista Brewer Local 17

Cleo Wynn Local 2360

Anthony Caldwell Local 218

Pauline Mims Local 276

Matt Uptmor from the International Veteran’s Department gave an update by Video from Black Lake where the International Veteran’s Conference is taking place. He stressed the issue of veteran suicides and how important it is to support Veteran’s causes and not let Congress cut funding to veteran’s programs.

Next CAP Reps Mark Dowell, Anthony Towner and Kevin Huddleston gave a CAP update. Mark Dowell discussed Project 2025 and the dangers to working people. Kevin Huddleston discussed the impact the 2024 elections and issues important to union families.

After lunch department reports continued with a presentation from Helen Walker from the Civil and Human Rights Department. Part if her presentation included the dangers of Project 2025 on civil and human rights. To read more about it go here.

LUCA Coordinator at the PR Department Roy Escandon made a presentation on the Local Union Communication Association (LUCA) and how communication has become more of a priority for the International Union.

Jerry Carson from the Chaplaincy Department issued a report. “I get tired of people trying to use my faith against me,” Carson stated. “We win when we vote, we win when we stand together, we win we defend others.”

Women’s Committee Department Representative Ashley Lewis gave a report, including the details of the upcoming UAW Women’s Conference in Chicago.

Becky Ervin of the Skilled Trades Department gave a presentation on the need for apprentices and the changing face of the market. She also discussed the parts of Project 2025 and how it impacts apprentice programs. “During the Trump Administration they moved the four year apprenticeship program back to 2 and half years. Under the currently administration that was move back to four years because that is what it takes. Project 2025 would move an apprenticeship program back to two and a half years and would allow non-traditional facilities to conduct non-qualified programs.”

Susan Pratt of the Education Department finished out the day, reporting out on the activities at the UAW Education Department. Susan discussed the many programs the Education Department develops, particularly the Family Scholarship Education Program. “The Family Scholarship program is one of the best thing we do as a union,” Susan Pratt stated. “If you haven’t participated in the Family Scholarship Program I highly recommend it.”

The day’s activities wrapped up following the reports. Wednesday and Thursday will be spent in classroom time, as delegates receive training for their specific committee.








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