August 11, 2024


Monday 11:00 am.

American Legion Post 15

Decatur, AL

The Retiree Executive Board is looking forward to returning to our monthly meetings and the opportunity to entire act with our friends and co-workers.

We trust everyone has enjoyed their summer, especially if you like it hot & dry.  Hopefully, cooler weather is coming.

We will have our Blue Cross and United Health Care providers at our meeting, if you have any coverage or billing issues it would be a good time to discuss your issue with these capable representatives.

We intend to serve hot-dogs at this meeting the Retiree Chapter will furnish everything necessary for a meal.  We would like to ask if you like chilly or any kind of beans (baked/pork) we would welcome the addition to our luncheon.  As always desserts are welcome.

Our regular meetings for the rest of 2024 will be:  October 14, November 11, and December 9.           

The UAW TRUST along with most of our providers will be at our November meeting.

This will also be the meeting when we have our Thanksgiving/Christmas Luncheon.

There is definitely a lot taking place in the political arena, there are many concerning issues we will be facing. I would ask and caution you not to get hung up on single emotional issues. Never in my history have I seen such a potential threat to our fundamental form of government.  I have been voting in every election since 1964 and I would have never believed that there would be such a threat to our democracy.  There are many issues (that are extremely important to us and our families as well as our future).  Social Security, Medicare the continued existence of our health care program and the amazing coverage we enjoy.

There is an old saying you can see the forest by just looking at the trees. Meaning if you want a true look you have to go inside and see what all is there.  That is the same way with politics you have to examine the entire stand of the candidates.

We know one thing for sure President Joe Biden will no longer be in office after Jan. 20, 2025. and I assure he will not attempt to pull a coup like the former President did.  President Joe Biden has been a friend of labor and more especially the UAW since before he was elected as Senator in 1972.  We owe home a strong debt of gratitude for all he has helped us to accomplish over the years.  We had no better friend in our darkest hours (the GM, Delphi bankruptcy, President Obama with the direct input from V.P. Biden managed to work out a constructive bankruptcy plan that protected our pensions but more especially save our current health care program.) This was a big time deal and we are extremely thankful V. P. Joe Biden was there.

We must continue to thank Lynn and Jeff Layton for their continued support of our Retiree Chapter once again they have committed to continue with what ever are needs are for this year.  I you need a used or new vehicle or one services all they ask of you is give them the opportunity to meet you needs.

Hope to see you at our Meetings

Chuck McDonald


I  would like to leave you with one thought about politics:  If you don't have representation at the table there is a very good chance that you and your benefits will be on the menu.









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