October 5, 2023

Call To Action From The UAW Women’s Department


On behalf of Secretary-Treasurer Margaret Mock and the UAW Women’s Department,

we would like to extend a heartfelt Thank You with a Call To Action to the members and supporters who participated in our discussion this past Wednesday, entitled Protecting All Workers, where we discussed gender-based violence and how it shows up in our workplaces, and ways to counter it.

We are asking for you to participate in the Call to Action mentioned during our session.

Call to Action

We are asking women's committees to participate in the Worker Action Wednesday’s campaign (see the attached flyer) to support UAW members on strike.

Women’s Committees can do one or all three of the following every Wednesday until the agreements are reached:

Support Blue Cross Blue Shield members by calling (800)344-8525, ask to speak to a customer service representative and protest their outsourcing our work, refusal to provide UAW employees with retiree healthcare, and their unfair wages - as 22 years to get to top tier is too long. Post your pics and videos with the #BCBS #UAW Women for this action

Share a video or photo of you on the picket line as a member on strike or as a supporter of members on strike explaining why you’re standing up for a good contract. Post pics and videos with the #UAWSTANDUP #UAWWomen

  1. Find a picket line here as we have members on strike from BCBS, Independent Part Suppliers, GM, Stellantis and Ford: https://aflcio.org/strike-map
  2. Donate to a local UAW Food Pantry. Be sure to post a pic or video with the #UAWSTANDUP and #UAWWomen

If you don’t have Facebook, please send your pic or video to this e-mail : WomensDept1955@uaw.net

Every Friday we will feature those who are participating in the campaign on our social media platforms.

If you missed our Talk About It Wednesday’s, you can watch the session via the following link:


Don’t have Facebook, view from Zoom Recording:


Please fill out the survey so that we can pick the most requested topic of participants for our next session:


Resources from the Women’s Bureau:

International Labor Organization Convention 190 on Violence and Harassment – https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:12100:0::NO::P12100_ILO_CODE:C190

Women’s Bureau FARE Grant – https://www.dol.gov/agencies/wb/grants/fare

Women’s Bureau WANTO Grant – https://www.dol.gov/agencies/wb/grants/wanto

U.S. National Plan to End Gender-Based Violence – https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/National-Plan-to-End-GBV.pdf

Equity Toolkit -- https://www.dol.gov/sites/dolgov/files/WB/media/WB-issuebrief-Equity-Module.pdf

Save the Date

Wednesday, November 22, 2023 at 6PM EST

Topic: TBD

Register Here: https://bit.ly/UAWWBTD

UAW Women’s Department






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