June 27, 2023

Day Three UAW Region 8 2023 Summer School

Day three of the 2023 UAW Region 8 Summer School began with a drawing for VCAP tickets as the delegates showed up in their Region 8 Tie Dye T Shirts for the annual Summer School group photo.

Day three concentrated on the Community Action Program (CAP) and legislative issues impacting working Americans. UAW Region 8 CAP Representatives Kevin Huddleston and Mark Dowell handled the presentation do the Summer School delegation.

Mark Dowell started the presentation with a quote from former UAW President Walter Reuther. “There's a direct relationship between the ballot box and the bread box, and what the union fights for and wins at the bargaining table can be taken away in the legislative halls.” Our UAW Constitution requires we be involved in politics. Every bill that is voted on whether it be local, state or national, impact us as working families. We need to make sure we are involved in every single race.

Between the 2018 midterms and 2020 national elections, nation side turn decreased by 5,000,000 votes. It is important that each of us have our voices heard by voting.” Mark Dowell stated.

Kevin Huddleston stated “The current administration has been the most pro-union in history. The American Recovery Act, reduction in student debt, the Chip Act and many other pieces of legislation have been passed to help working families- union families. Currently there are several important cases setting before the Supreme Court that could impact labor and working families. We know the current Supreme Court is not labor friendly. The UAW cannot use dues money to lobby for legislation that impact our members, due to federal laws. That is why we need voluntary contributions to VCAP so we have the money to endorse, lobby and educate our members on the importance of political involvement.”

Following the morning general sessions, the 2023 Summer School group photo was made. Following lunch, the delegates returned to their classrooms for the afternoon session.





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