Longest National Automotive Strike in Nearly 50 Years Ends
Detroit ̶ UAW General Motors members ratified the 2019 Collective Bargaining Agreement this evening ending the longest automotive strike in 50 years.
“General Motors members have spoken,” said Terry Dittes, UAW Vice President and Director of the UAW-GM Department. “We are all so incredibly proud of UAW-GM members who captured the hearts and minds of a nation. Their sacrifice and courageous stand addressed the two-tier wages structure and permanent temporary worker classification that has plagued working class Americans.”
With ratification of the contract, the UAW members strike has ended, and workers will begin to report to work as instructed by General Motors.
The ratified contract includes an economic package of an $11,000 per member signing bonus, performance bonuses, two 3% annual raises and two 4% lump sum payments and holding the line on health care costs.
“We want to once again thank our members’ families and their local communities for their outpouring of support,” said UAW President Gary Jones. “Our members not only joined together in solidarity but felt the support of their whole community throughout this important stand.”
The UAW will announce the next pattern bargaining company, FCA or Ford shortly.