

May 26, 2016

Region 8 Retired Workers Conference

The UAW Region 8 Retired Workers Conference was held the week of April 25, 2016. Delegates attending this conference are treated to a full agenda that helps them at their local Retired Workers Chapters, International Area Councils, and Local Unions in regards to health benefits that have been negotiated in past years and are now managed by a VEBA Trust in most cases.

Delegates were excited to hear our UAW President Dennis Williams speak on where we are as a union, organizing, finances and the upcoming Presidential Election.

Director Curry gave his Directors Report on Thursday, April 28, 2016 which is an informative “State of the Region” address.

 On Tuesday they heard from the Director of the Retired Workers Department, Mike Stone.

Elections were held for the Region 8 Retired Workers Council, Int’l Advisory Council and Int’l Advisory Council Florida representative.

A special thank you goes out to retiree and former UAW staff member Peggy Matheney who donated four paintings for use in our V-CAP Program. Peggy has donated handmade quilts in the past and now has expanded her talents to painting. We thank her!

Below is a listing of those healthcare providers that gave presentations, this information and benefits are a testament to our UAW leaders who never waiver in protecting and providing for our retirees.

National Benefit Reports, GM, Ford, Fiat Chrysler


UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trusts

Blue Cross Blue Shield




Davis Vision

Delta Dental

Express Scripts


AudioNet America

UAW Social Security Department

Contact Region 8
Webmaster John Davis

All information contained with the Region 8 Web Site is copyrighted© by UAW Region 8.
It cannot be reused or printed without written consent from UAW Region 8.


Ron Hendrix