December 13, 2017
Director’s Christmas Wish 2017
Another year is ending, and we once again find ourselves reflecting on the events of the year. It has been a challenging year for America’s working families. Worker protections have been rolled back by the Department of Labor, which is directed by elected officials that have a history of opposing unions. Safety protections have been rolled back leaving many workers vulnerable to unsafe workplaces. The social safety net has been attacked by anti-worker forces in Washington, as many government programs that have long protected the most defenseless have been defunded and scaled back. On the other hand, the wealthy have seemed to prosper at the expense of the working class.
Natural disasters have decimated many of our fellow citizens this year as well. Hurricanes left thousands across the south in dire situations. Many of the islands of the Caribbean were hammered as well, leaving living conditions unbearable. Local unions across Region 8 raised money to help the victims of these storms in Florida, Texas and Puerto Rico. With an earnest desire to serve those facing such devastation, UAW members volunteered and traveled to Puerto Rico to assist with the recovery efforts. While spending weeks away from their families, they provided needed assistance to the affected residents and our fellow UAW Region 9A members.
With all these challenges, it would be easy to just give up and quit. However, quitting is not what built the middle class, our country or the labor movement. In times of trouble we discover what we are made of. Our will may be tested but it will never break. Our solidarity has seen this great union through many trying times before and we are always victorious. Adversity has a way of bringing people together and our members are strong.
As we head into the holiday season, may we remember those who are less fortunate than ourselves. There are many children out there who require assistance to have a holiday season and I applaud the efforts that our members make to help those in need. The season is about giving, and we are truly blessed when we can help others. This holiday season please remember our commitment to those in need, which is the basis of our labor movement.
As we reflect during the final days of 2017, it is my fervent wish that each of you and your family know all the love, joy and peace of Christmas. Enjoy your time away with family and friends, and never forget the true meaning of Christmas is giving. Please make sure that you share your time, talents and resources to help others. This is the greatest gift that any of us can receive.
In the end our success will be measured by the impact we had on the lives of others. Those of us in the labor movement know all too well that no one wins unless everyone wins.
In solidarity,
Ray Curry, Director
UAW Region 8
