Officers Elected at Region 8 CAP Meeting
The UAW Region 8 Community Action Program Council held its Ninth Quadrennial Meeting on Monday, July 21, 2014. The newly elected officers are pictured above. The officers will serve a four year term.
L: Todd Dunn, Local 862, Louisville, KY will serve as Vice Chairperson.
Center: Ray Curry, Director of UAW Region 8 Will serve as Chairperson.
R: Portia Daniels, Local 1590, Martinsburg, WV will serve as Recording Secretary

UAW Local 862 Takes Home Top Contributor Award
At the Thursday evening Directors Banquet during the Region 8 Summer School Director Ray Curry presented to UAW Local 862, Louisville, KY the award for the Local union who contributed the largest dollar amount to the UAW V-CAP Program.
Accepting the award from UAW Region 8 Director Ray Curry (center) are Todd Dunn, President (left) and Scott Edwards, Financial Secretary (right)

UAW Local 2402 Earns Top Per Capita Award
At the Thursday evening Directors Banquet during the Region 8 Summer School Director Ray Curry presented to UAW Local 2402, Brandon, MS the award for the Local union who contributed the most per capita to the UAW V-CAP Program.
Accepting the award from UAW Region 8 Director Ray Curry (center) is Carl Keenan, Recording Secretary and District 2 Committee Person.
