Active Locals
Local Company City
119 Challenge Irving
119 Flex-N-Gate Grand Prairie
119 Navistar Dallas
119 Navistar Office Dallas
129 APFA Euless
129 Avanez Arlington
129 Ball Corporation Fort Worth
129 IMA Arlington
129 Lear Arlington
129 Linc/Universal Grand Prairie
129 Penske Logistics Los Indios
129 PPG Grand Prairie
129 Relicance Metal Works Arlington
129 Universal Dedicated Arlington
218 Bell Helicopter Ft. Worth
276 Caravan Arlington
276 GM Assembly Arlington
276 Hydro Chem Arlington
286 El Paso Coordinators El Paso
286 Penske Logistics El Paso
286 Penske Logistics Laredo
286 Triad Wichita Falls
286 T-Sqaure Wichita Falls
317 Bell Helicopter Ft. Worth
816 GM Parts Warehouse Roanoke
816 Jones, Lang, LaSalle Roanoke
848 Bombardier  Red Oak
848 Lockheed Martin Grand Prarie
848 Qarbon Red Oak
848 United Technology Richardson
864 American Bldg Maint Houston
864 Ford Houston
864 Timken Houston
870 ABM Roanoke
870 Ford Motorcraft Roanoke
967 L-3 Harris Greenville
967 L-3 Harris/Firefighters Greenville
2346 United Launch Alliance Harlington
2360 Caravan Carrollton
2360 Stellantis Carrollton
2360 Stellantis Mopar Carrollton
3057 Prysmian Group Scottsville
Retiree Locals
Texas News Texas Links
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