South Carolina
Active Locals
Local Company City
4616 Daifuku/Jervis B. Webb Co. Carlisle
Retiree Local
5841 Mack Trucks, Inc. Winnsboro
South Carolina News South Carolina Links

Local 1981
Local 5841  
South Carolina State
Government Links
South Carolina Calendar  
Central Labor Council Meetings
Charleston-first Thursday of the month at 6:30PM, CWA Local 3704 hall in Hanahan
Columbia-first Tuesday of the month at 7:00PM, CWA Local 3706 hall in West Columbia
Catawba-second Monday of the month at 7:00PM, PACE hall Bowater local in Rock Hill
UAW Local 5841 Retirees meeting-second Tuesday of the month at 11:00AM, 5841 hall in Winnsboro



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It cannot be reused or printed without written consent from UAW Region 8.