July 25, 2022
38th UAW Constitutional Convention Day One
by John Davis Region 8 Webmaster
The 38th UAW Constitutional Convention was called to order at 12:00 PM Monday July 25, 2022 at Huntington Place (formerly Cobo Hall). The UAW Constitutional Convention is union democracy at work. Delegates from locals over the entire UAW are elected to represent their membership as changes to the UAW Constitution are presented, debated and voted on.
As always, the convention opened with prayer from Elder Herb Taylor of Local 34 Region 4 and the national anthem of Puerto Rico, Canada and the United States, following the presentation of the colors by the UAW Honor Guard. 
Region 1A Director Laura Dickerson welcomed the delegates to introduced Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan who welcomed the delegates to the Motor City. “It is great to have the UAW from across American back to Detroit,” Duggan state. “The city of Detroit has been through some hard times but working with our partners the UAW we have been able to bring work back to our city. Chrysler had a new plant they could have placed everywhere but it is here in Detroit with the help of the UAW with union members having a job. General Motors not only has grown their presence but is preparing to build part of the vehicles of the future here in Detroit.
Next Region 1 James Harris introduced Michigan Senator Gary Peters. “My mother was a union steward,” Peter’s recalled. “She knew what it was like to fight for a better way for working families. My father in law is a member of UAW Local 5960 so I know what it is like to grow up in a union family. I am on my way to Washington this morning for an important vote on the manufacture of chips in this country. The supply chain issues we are experiencing are getting better, but the best way to correct this issue is to make things in the United States. We currently buy chips from around the world, but they must be made here. We have seen supply issues with our current automotive manufacturing and the electric vehicles you are gearing up to buy will require even more of them. We have to stop shipping jobs to China and make sure American workers get a chance at those jobs. I have watched the members of the UAW for years fighting not just for themselves but others. I remember seeing UAW members in the Labor Day parades wearing “Health Care For All” buttons. I saw those buttons and thought well most UAW members have health care, but then realized you were fighting for ALL people to have health care. That shows your commitment to all works and I commend you for that.
The Rules Committee, Resolutions Committee and Credentials Committee all resented reports to the conference and seated their members. Region 8 is represented on the Credentials Committee by Josh Fisher Local 1649, Resolutions Committee Todd Dunn of Local 862 and Greg Suggs of Local 5286 and Macus Shaeckles of Local 862 and Ralph Walsh Local 274.
NAACP CEO Derrick Johnson addressed the conference. CEO Johnson is a long standing supporter of the UAW and labor. “These days our very democracy is at stake,” CEP Johnson stated. “Standing together preserves our democracy both internally and externally. It is when you stand together. The corporations try to divide workers to weaken their power, so I encourage you to stand together.”
At the end of CEO’s Johnson’s speech UAW Ray Curry NAACP CEO Johnson the Owen Bieber Social Justice award. Watch it here.
Following the presentation, the rules, credentials and resolutions were debated and voted on. The delegates voted in favor of accepting the rules, credentials and resolutions as they were presented.
Next the Resolutions Committee presented resolutions required as a result of the 2021 Referendum vote. This resulted in a change in how the International Executive Board are elected. For these things to happen, the recommendations had to be voted into changes to the constitution. The package was adopted by the delegates.
A resolution was recommended by the monitor to rebate the possibility of instituting a ranked voting system. After much debate, the delegates rejected the ranked voting proposal.
The last resolution of the day was to adopt a recommendation to conduct International Executive Board elections using a system of runoff elections for the top two candidates if the winner failed to secure a 51% victory.
At the conclusion of the last resolution the convention was voted into recess until Tuesday morning at 8:00 AM.