Jan-Nov 2004


Why Should I Vote For UAW Endorsed Candidates?

Aug-Sept. 2004

From The Director
We need to give 110% in this election

Democratic spirit alive and kicking
Tennessee celebration honors longtime CAP activist

From the Chairman
‘Mr. Bush, you’re not taking care of my brothers’

Rain Rain, Go Away
It didn’t, but it brought folks together anyway at NASCAR

UAW veterans get organized
Region 8 forms new council, elects new officers

Jan-Feb 2004

From the Director
Vote To Preserve Middle-Class Lifestyle

Keeping The Dream Alive
UAW Member Helps Lead Way In Annual Civil Rights March

A Voice For Labor Derryberry Appointed To Workforce Development Board

‘In The Same Boat’
UAW Sides With Immigrants In Fight For Workers Rights

A Child’s Questions Remain Unanswered Kristina’s Values Shaped By Her UAW Grandfather

Can’t Find Union-Made Clothing?
Do Your Shopping On The Internet

Editor: Kelly Santiman


Members may submit
articles and photos
to your local union president.

Region 8
Gary Casteel, director
Donny Bevis, assistant director

Region 8 office
151 Maddox-Simpson Parkway
Lebanon, TN 37090-5345
615-443-7654 or
fax: 615-443-7697

All information contained with the Region 8 Web Site is copyrighted© by UAW Region 8.
It cannot be reused or printed without written consent from UAW Region 8.