Jomane Owens Local 1853

John Benton Local 5285

Harry Bryd Local 1853

Eddie L. Jenkins, Jr. Local 2406

Dana Watkins Local 862

Region 8 Voices Coralyn Mayes Local 862

Region 8 Voices Chris Sadler Local 862

Region 8 Voices Chris Brown Local 276

Region 8 Voices Alicia Anderson Local 862

Region 8 Voices Amanda Duncan Local 862

Region 8 Voices Andy Wood Local 5285

Region 8 Voices Benzena Eaves Local 2069

Region 8 Voices Andre Howell Local 3520

Region 8 Voices Aleeta Phillips Local 862
All information contained with the Region 8 Web Site is copyrighted© by UAW Region 8. It cannot be reused or printed without written consent from UAW Region 8. All rights reserved.