Summer 2003


Bass are a’ bitin’ in Florida And Local 788 members are ready to catch them

The anglers prepared to wet their lines and the Central Florida Paralyzed Veterans of America’s 17th Annual Bass Fishing Tournament was on. Set up as a team-style competition, the only difference with this and other bass tournaments is that at least one of the competitors must be disabled in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Neal Lazarus became a volunteer with the CFPVA in 1987 just in time for their 2nd annual bass tournament. Over the next few years, more union members at Lazarus’s Orlando, Fla., local became involved. Eventually Local 788 membership has grown fully committed behind the PVA event. It is now the local’s largest volunteer event.

“It gives the sport of fishing to those who probably would not get the pleasure,” says Lazarus. “But it also introduces our community to the mobility impaired.” In a joint effort between Lockheed Martin and Local 788, 25 volunteers participated. The union and the company also donated bottled water for the day. But this is not the only way the locals of Region 8 are involved in their communities.
Local 10 in Atlanta, Ga., sponsors one of the disabled anglers, Tony Barriga, who does very well on the PVA Bass Trail. Local 788’s members have also started another organization that grew from its experiences with CFPVA, a monthly, one-day tournament.

“My local union brothers and sisters should be commended for their involvement,” Lazarus says. “We have very community-minded members here in Florida.”

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