
Greetings,President Bush has released more
details about how his plan to privatize Social Security would work. It
is now clear that his plan would make deep cuts in Social Security benefits
for everyone earning more than $20,000 a year affecting 70 percent or
more of all future retirees.
Specifically, Bush's privatization proposal would slash Social Security
benefits for all middle and higher income workers by switching from wage
to price indexing in the way benefits are calculated. In addition, Bush's
proposal would also impose a privatization tax on all workers who elect
private accounts, reducing their Social Security benefits by an additional
amount equal to the monies contributed to their private account plus interest.
The net result of this double whammy is that most workers would see an
enormous reduction in their Social Security benefits.
Annual earnings level while working
Percentage benefit
cut |
Worker retiring in
2055 |
Worker retiring in 2075 |
$37,000 |
-66% |
-73% |
$58,000 |
-87% |
-97% |
$90,000 |
-92% |
-100% |
Calculations from Center on Budget and Policy Priorities |
In addition to these huge benefit cuts, Bush’s
privatization proposal would move up the date Social Security faces a
shortfall by 11 years. And it would force the federal government to borrow
nearly $5 trillion over the next 20 years, saddling future generations
with higher taxes and interest rates.
In June and July, House and Senate committees may begin marking up legislation
to implement President Bush’s plan to privatize Social Security.
To stop this dangerous proposal, UAW members need to send a loud, clear
message to representatives and senators that we want them to reject Bush’s
plan to make deep cuts in Social Security benefits.
In addition, many members of Congress will be back home in their districts
and states during the upcoming Memorial Day recess (May 28 - June 5).
This is an ideal time to contact and meet with them on this priority issue.
Progressive groups opposed to Bush's privatization proposal will be organizing
town hall meetings and other activities in many target districts and states
during this period. It is especially important that we put maximum grassroots
pressure on Republican senators and representatives who sit on the Senate
Finance and House Ways and Means Committees, which will be marking up
Bush s privatization proposal. This includes the following members:
Senate Finance Committee:
Grassley (Iowa)
Hatch (Utah)
Lott (Miss.)
Snowe (Maine)
Kyl (Ariz.)
Thomas (Wy.)
Smith (Ore.)
Bunning (Ky.)
Crapo (Idaho)
House Ways and Means Committee:
Thomas (Calif.)
Johnson, Nancy (Conn.)
Herger (Calif.)
McCrery (La.)
Camp (Mich.)
Ramstad (Minn.)
Nussle (Iowa)
Johnson, Sam (Tex.)
English (Pa.)
Hayworth (Ariz.)
Weller (Ill.)
Hulshof (Mo.)
Lewis, Ron (Ky.)
Brady, Kevin (Tex.)
Reynolds (N.Y.)
Ryan, Paul (Wis.)
Beauprez (Col.)
Hart (Pa.)
Chocola (Ind.)
Nunes (Calif.)
To find out more about Social Security and privatization, visit the UAW
web site at:
Thanks for all your efforts to protect Social