
UAW Mourns the Loss of Former President Doug Fraser
UAW Official Statement on the Passing of Doug Fraser
Statements and Expressions of Sympathy from
Various Officials on the death of Doug Fraser

We have lost a dear friend and great labor leader with the passing of Doug Fraser. Words don’t express the depth of emotion many of us feel at this time.

Those of us who had the privilege of knowing Doug will always remember him as a person of immense integrity, intelligence and wit. Doug had a rare talent for distilling the many complex issues of a difficult situation and arriving at a course of action that benefited our membership and our union. Whether it was leading prolonged strikes or negotiating landmark benefits such as reduced work time, improved cost of living and increases in pensions, Doug always put the members first.

Doug is rightly credited with playing the central role in saving Chrysler Corp., a feat that involved intense negotiations, testifying before Congress, a personal appeal to President Carter and of course,
tremendous sacrifices on the part of our members.

Doug was one of a small group of UAW leaders who ensured that the UAW would not only survive, but thrive after the death of Walter Reuther. His devotion to and love for the UAW was evident throughout his lifetime. He believed in our union, and he had faith in our resilience even in the most difficult of times.

As Doug said at our Constitutional Convention in 2002, “The George Bushes of this world come and go. But the UAW goes on and on.”

We are deeply saddened that Doug is no longer with us. But we can draw inspiration and strength from his unwavering devotion to the UAW membership and honor him by making sure those words remain true.

Jim Rogers
International Representative
Community Action Program
United Auto Workers
Region 8
1005 North Point Blvd. Suite 701
Baltimore, MD 21224

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